Monday 26 November 2012


Today Jessie and I have ordered the mask from eBay and have liaised with the seller so that it is distributed either today or tomorrow so we will have it as soon as possible so we can start filming scenes involving the clown character. We have also sourced a ring master costume which we will have on Friday so we can hopefully film the clown drugging scene and possibly some other off-location shots. We still need to find a clown costume at the moment. Because the mask we have just bought was quite expensive, we have also been considering making a costume or trying to source a cheap costume, as the costume we don't think will be featured as heavily in the trailer as the mask which will be in close up shots etc. We felt that the mask was the thing that would be worth investing in, especially as this one is so scary and will have a real effect on the viewer with the gold teeth and red hair etc.

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